Author Archives: littlepandamommy

Steamed Dried Scallops and Eggs Recipe

Steamed eggs is a very common homemade dish for Chinese, most mom and kids love it because it is nutritious and delicious.  Dried Scallops are very flavorful and  good for your body. It contains  lot of protein, vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin D. Chinese usually serve dried scallops congee to patients to help them recovery faster. Adding it into the steamed eggs, made the dish so rich in flavor with just a touch of salt.


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Cinnamon Apples and Crispy Caramelized Toast Recipe

This simple and delicious treat tastes best if you use fresh ground cinnamon and make sure you don’t over-toasted the bread. I came up with this easy recipe because I was too lazy to melt the butter or to spread it on the bread.  Crispy caramelized toast is a good way to use the almost stale bread or even a little stale one. Little princesses have tiny hands, so I cut the toast in little triangles, cooked some cinnamon apples to serve with it, just scoop a little apples on top of the toast, yummy snack is done.


Cinnamon Apples and Crispy Caramelized Toast Recipe (Serve 2)
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Lemon and Lime Sorbet Recipe

I love desserts but they are guilty treat. To satisfy my sweet tooth, so do my little princesses, I have to figure out something healthier. Making fresh fruits sorbet at home for less than a minute using Vitamix (loving my new toy), it tastes incredibly refreshing and delicious, even have health benefits that come along. Lemons and limes contain Vitamin C, calcium, magnesium and lot of minerals and antioxidants that good for our health and skin. It can also use for household cleaning and remove odor. I added half a banana in the recipe to reduce the amount of agave/ simple syrup needed. At the same time, it boosts the health benefit a little with this high potassium fruit.

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Cantaloupe Smoothie Recipe

This is my first smoothie made with Vitamix, my hubby bought a sweet cantaloupe, yogurt and a lot of fruits for me to try out the new machine. He is just as excited to play with the blender or I should say enjoying the drinks and food from it. For a well trained home cook who always have to cook with random and not at all go together ingredients (guess who train me for that?), I put this smoothie together as a tester and thought it should taste good. Thanks for all these trainings, it turned out just the way I like it – refreshing and sweet. I will definitely buy some more cantaloupes next time they are on sale, cube them and freeze them, so I always have some on hand for this yummy drink. By the way, this is a healthy drink, cantaloupe provides lot of antioxidants, vitamins and carrots are good for eyes. Something tastes good and actually good for you – priceless.


Cantaloupe Smoothie Recipe
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Homemade Almond Milk Recipe

Now, I can make one of my favorite drinks almond milk at home because I have a new toy -Vitamix 5200 blender. Almond milk is a healthy choice because it contains less calories and fat than milk but high in antioxidants and vitamins. Also, it is a good substitute for milk  since it is lactose free.


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Homemade Guacamole Recipe

Super bowl is a few days away, buy or make some chips, serve with this homemade guacamole, good time guaranteed. It is healthy and tasty, totally vegetarian friendly too. Make it fresh in front of your guests, entertain them and serving food at the same time, you will be the best host ever.

This recipe is so easy, even little kids can help. My daughters love to add all the ingredients in the pestle, try to mesh them with the mortar and lick them off the mortar after it is done.
guacamole 2

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Hong Kong Style Egg Waffles Recipe

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One of my favorite street food in Hong Kong is egg waffles (you may called it bubble waffle). They are tiny ball-shaped waffles, fluffy inside but crispy on the outside, you pull them apart and eat them one by one, yummy. I used to buy them everyday after school for snack, the hawker made them fresh to order, so I got to watch and learn how to make it and observed the flipping technique.

I am so glad to find the Egg Waffle Pan(buy it here) in the USA finally, making this yummy street food at home, serving my girls my favorite treat. The best part , I got to see their happy faces when they stuffed their mouth full of little waffles. They enjoyed watching mommy make the cute yummy waffle balls, just like I used to watch the hawker cooked them in the street, like mother like daughters. They learned stories about mommy’s school life in Hong Kong, and how to say egg waffles in Cantonese (雞蛋仔,which pronounces “kite down jei “), it was so much fun.


Hong Kong Style Egg Waffles Recipe  (Make 4)
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Steamed Chinese Sweet Sesame Buns Recipe

Steamed sweet sesame bun is my favorite bun in Dim Sum restaurant since my dad introduced it to me when I was young. It is so sweet and flavorful in one little cute bun.

I hadn’t been able to locate them anywhere nearby in USA (restaurants or frozen products). So I tried to create it with the memory of my taste buds, it turned out really good. When I had it back in Hong Kong, the sweet sesame filling was lava-like and really smooth. This recipe makes a crumbly filling (I like the texture) instead of creamy and lava-like filling. If you like a smooth texture, follow the tips below the recipe.


Steamed  Chinese Sweet Sesame Buns Recipe (Makes 16)
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Steamed Chinese Biscuits Recipe

This steamed Chinese biscuits is the base of many other steamed Chinese buns, real easy to make. If you are comfortable with it, hand knead it. Or not, use a stand mixer or hand mixer with a dough hook, turn on low speed (1-2) until dough formed, hand knead a few times. It will be just as good.


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Waterless Poached Egg Recipe (Steam oven version)

Poached eggs are not difficult to make at all, drop an egg in a pot of hot water with some vinegar, sounds super easy, right? But a good looking poached egg is not easy to make at all. Now, I find the most convenient way to make it pretty without the water, without the uneven edge of the egg white and it is perfectly cooked every time. The secret is my new kitchen toy – Steam Oven.

Do you what to have a bite of it? I do. DSC_0107

Waterless Poached Egg Recipe (Steam Oven Version)
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