Steamed Chinese Biscuits Recipe

This steamed Chinese biscuits is the base of many other steamed Chinese buns, real easy to make. If you are comfortable with it, hand knead it. Or not, use a stand mixer or hand mixer with a dough hook, turn on low speed (1-2) until dough formed, hand knead a few times. It will be just as good.


Steamed Chinese Biscuits Recipe Continue reading





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Waterless Poached Egg Recipe (Steam oven version)

Poached eggs are not difficult to make at all, drop an egg in a pot of hot water with some vinegar, sounds super easy, right? But a good looking poached egg is not easy to make at all. Now, I find the most convenient way to make it pretty without the water, without the uneven edge of the egg white and it is perfectly cooked every time. The secret is my new kitchen toy – Steam Oven.

Do you what to have a bite of it? I do. DSC_0107

Waterless Poached Egg Recipe (Steam Oven Version)
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Make Breakfast Fun and Easy


This is our breakfast this morning. Perfect mommy and me meal to start the day. Super easy and didn’t take much time to prepare. The best part is the little princesses not only eat well, but also have so much fun making their own food.

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Chinese Steam Green Onion Buns Recipe

My Christmas present is finally back to my home. This little machine is so good, I used it everyday since I got it until I found out the clock kept resetting itself and went with a beep sound when it happened. As much as I love it, I had to return it and get a new one. My Cuisinart CSO-300 combo steam and convection oven came home yesterday, I has been cooking like a storm and put it to good use. My husband could tell how happy I was to have it back, teasing me about how this machine is not going anywhere and I could not live without it. So true, he really knows me.

First day home, I have to make sure the main function I use and care most is in working condition – the steam function. Started with proofing pizza crust, then I tried to make Chinese Buns for the first time. It was so good and soft, taste really good, only downfall is the color weren’t white because I used unbleached flour, so it came out in a tinted yellow color.


Chinese Steam Green Onion Buns Recipe

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這兩天在家中不斷做中式包包,搓揉功夫進步了不少呢!其實做中式包很方便,只要做一種粉糰,就可以變成不同的麵包,原味的饅頭,加入不同材料就可以做成叉燒包、菜肉包和葱花卷等等。新玩具Cuisinart CSO-300蒸焗爐剛重投我的懷抱(第一部的時鐘有問題,退貨後再買新的),蒸煮時完全不用看火,較好時間掣和溫度即可,也不會蒸到身水身汗一頭煙,很方便好用呢!


葱花卷食譜 Continue reading

年尾大減價- 再敗廚房用品


某天,閒逛㫢所敗的廚房小助手,超級便宜,嘻嘻。 DSC_0001-002 Continue reading

Artichokes and Spinach Cheesy Dip Recipe

This is another dip for new year eve snack – Artichokes and Spinach Dip. I always like it but never make it at home. Honestly, artichoke is a really new ingredient to me, so glad the only 2 attempts (including this time) came out good.


Artichokes and Spinach Dip Recipe
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