Tag Archives: school

Story Book Parade Costumes (Pete The Cat, Poppy Hat (from Trolls)

Happy to start blogging again and I hope this will be a more regular thing for me. I really enjoy writing and sharing all my creations with you. For my long time readers, thanks for being so supportive through out the years, even when I was out for like a whole year with barely any updates. This is a very happy new year update for me, I have been trying a lot of new things and crafts, designing some new and fun things, even attempted to make characters costume. I made my girls Pete the Cat hat and tail (“Pete the Cat” is a super fun series children books, the girls and us love it) and Poppy (from the movie Trolls) hat and dress for their school story book parade. I never do characters or cute crafts (just not great at them, so didn’t even bother to try). Surprisingly, they all came out pretty well and I actually enjoyed creating them. Lily (my younger daughter) even won 1st place for the costume contest for first grade. (Hurray!) She is super excited.

Alexis modeling her Pete the Cat hat, having a lot of fun reading the book while pretending to be Pete.

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She is taking the modeling job really seriously, hid the mouth and pretended Pete.FullSizeRender 8

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Apple Chicken Salad Recipe 

Sorry I haven’t been updating here for so long, life has been busy and some of my cooking passion and creativity just left me for a while. I am glad to say the passion and love for cooking, blogging and all that passion for life and work is burning inside me once again. I love it and feel more like myself and full of energy. (No, I still don’t exercise but I am getting to it, seriously.)

For the coming back recipe, I am going to share with you this super easy and healthy salad I love – Apple Chicken Salad.

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