Salmon Cake Recipe

Salmon Cake Recipe: (For Two)


Salmon fillet (skinned & diced)    1/2 pound
Onion (finely chopped)                 3 tablespoons
Green Onion (finely chopped)      1 teaspoon
Tartar Sauce (Kraft brand)           2 tablespoons
Bread crumbs                                 4.5 tablespoons
Extra Virgin Olive Oil                     1.5 tablespoons
Salt                                                   1/4 teaspoon
Black Pepper (fresh ground)         1/4 teaspoon


1. In a medium bowl, add in onion, green onion, salmon, tartar sauce, 2.5 tablespoons bread crumbs, salt and pepper. Hand mix the ingredients until well combined.

2. In a small bowl, add in the rest of the bread crumbs.

3. Use the mix ingredients to form fish balls, 1.5 inches each. Press lightly to form a cake shape, then roll it in the small bowl until evenly covered with bread crumbs.

4. In a paella pan, heat olive oil at medium heat until smoking. Turn the heat down to medium low, sear the salmon cakes for 2 minutes until golden. Flip and cook for another 2 minutes or until they are done.(To avoid the fish cake falling apart, flip the fish cakes carefully)

5. Serve and enjoy while it is hot.



To make the salmon cakes holding up better and firmer, add 1 tablespoon breadcrumbs into the mix, ground the salmon or dice it into smaller pieces. Or add 1 egg yolk and 1 tablespoon of breadcrumbs into the mix, add a dash more of salt and black pepper too.

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0 thoughts on “Salmon Cake Recipe

  1. 博師奶

    [博師奶Mrs.blog回覆07/09/2012 13:52:34]也多謝妳教整這三文魚餅,我會試整啊!
    [版主回覆07/05/2012 09:42:56]多謝妳的安慰,沒害妳的眼睛受苦就好了。今次這個魚餅真的很美味,差點想全部吃掉呢!

  2. Office 師奶 Alice

    好好味~ let me try try next time~
    [版主回覆07/05/2012 09:43:43]試下啦!希望妳鐘意。

  3. 豆潤之家小四

    [版主回覆07/05/2012 13:13:30]小四,這個真的很易整,  又好好味。

  4. Meow Meow

    thanks for your recipe! I made it but the salmon cake seems to fall apart a bit. It is very tasty though thank you!
    [版主回覆07/10/2012 01:47:22]Meow Meow, you can try to ground the salmon up next time or dice it in smaller pieces. Add 1/2 to 1 tablespoon of breadcrumbs or/ and 1 egg york in the mix should help the fish cake holding up better ( add a pinch more salt and pepper if bread crumbs or yolk added). I did it the way it was for the chunky texture and to keep it moist, but need to be very careful while fliping it to prevent falling apart.


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