Chicken and Leek Congee Recipe
Chicken 1 whole chicken, about 2 kg/4.5pounds
Water enough to cover chicken
Sushi rice 2 cups
Kosher Salt 3 teaspoons
Leek ( julienne) 2/3 cup
Ginger (thin sliced) 2-3 slices
1. Rinse the chicken and place it in the pressure cooker. Add enough water to cover the bird and 1.5 teaspoons salt. (If the water level reach the highest before the bird fully covered, it will cook fine.)
2. Press the Chicken button.

3. Rinse the rice, chop the leek and slice the ginger while the chicken being cooked.

4. After the bird is done, place it in a large bowl. Add rice, 1.5 teaspoons salt, leek and ginger into the chicken stock, put the lid on and press the cook button.

5. Shred the chicken with 2 forks or hands.

6. After the congee is cooked, stir in half of the shredded chicken and serve. If desired, add chopped leek to taste.

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[版主回覆09/14/2012 05:02:35]謝謝關心
[版主回覆09/14/2012 05:03:21]我和小公主一邊撕雞,一邊吃雞肉,嘩哈哈。
[版主回覆09/14/2012 13:44:17]明火都得,但你要辛苦D,不時攪拌囉.
[小車回覆09/14/2012 11:21:17]要你個壓力煲要得
[版主回覆09/14/2012 10:28:55]快D煮黎食啦.火都唔駛睇,放晒入去仲有時間同阿仔玩.
很美味的雞粥呀! 拆雞肉煲粥確是好主意, 孩子亦吃得容易…….小小溫馨提議 -煲雞湯時, 宜出水後去皮, 雞皮是最肥的, 煲好的雞湯也最好去了表面的油才再煲粥會較清一點….始終是病後初癒呢 !
[版主回覆09/15/2012 11:40:06]多謝你的提示呀.其實本日都會出水去皮,但病了,所以懶懶地洗完放入鍋中.幸好煲好後也很易去油,全都浮在鍋邊.
[亞U回覆09/15/2012 18:10:36]白色的.紅色用來煮福建咸飯.
[版主回覆09/15/2012 11:41:25]這樣你要試試啦.福建粥我反而未食過,蘿蔔是紅還是白的呢?
囡囡們好點没有, 這情況最辛苦的就是做媽咪的加油!
[版主回覆09/17/2012 00:55:50]她們好一點,但還是未痊癒,大家都還是聲音沙啞,鼻塞塞,還有一點咳潄.但最沒精打采的時期總算過去了,希望在不久的將來會康復吧.
[版主回覆09/17/2012 12:07:22]好返一半,希望會盡快完全康復.