Hi there, welcome to my blog. I am Little Panda Mommy, a full-time mom of 2 little girls, Alexis (age 4.5) and Lily (age 3) whose also known as little princesses. I love to share cooking, crafting, shopping, family life and parenting as a blogger.
你好,歡迎到訪.我是Little Panda Mommy,一位全職媽媽,育有2位中意混血兒(暱稱小公主),4歲半的嘉嘉和3歲的晴晴.媽媽(網友對我的暱稱)喜愛用博客的身份,分享小煮意,手作仔,敗物誌,生活點滴和育兒心得。
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Email 電郵地址: littlepandamommy@gmail.com
Facebook 專頁: https://www.facebook.com/littlepandamommypage
Twitter: @thepandamommy
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/thepandamommy
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support mama always^^
Thanks so much, kiki.