



雞                                      1隻(5磅,約2.2公斤)
葱(切葱花)                         4棵
珍珠米                               2杯
水                                      16杯(用飯碗量度即可)
鹽                                      5茶匙
黑椒                                  2茶匙


1. 預熱焗爐至華氏350度

2. 將雞去除肉臟並洗淨,放進焗盤內

3. 用鹽和黑椒塗滿雞身內外,放入焗爐約1小時45分鐘(注意:雞胸向上.若想粥身潔白,可略去黑椒;改在食用前加入白胡椒粉)

4. 在等待雞焗熟的時候,把珍珠米洗淨並浸在開水中(水剛蓋過白米即可)

5. 將焗好的雞取出,用2枝叉子將雞肉撕開,或放涼後用手撕開


6. 留起餘下的雞骨,雞皮和雞汁待用

7. 在大鍋中,將水煮滾並加入拆肉後的雞骨,雞皮和雞汁,翻滾後煮30分鐘

8. 取出所有雞骨和雞皮,加入已浸好的珍珠米,半開蓋,以中大火煮約30分鐘或直至白米全部爛開(注意:要不時加以攪拌並小心粥水滾出)

9. 加入3/4已撕開的雞肉,用木匙攪拌混和,煮熱後熄火.(餘下的雞肉可以做雞肉沙律或作其他用途)

9. 將葱花放在碗的底部,加入剛煮好的雞粥(粥的高溫令葱花煮熟,並散發葱香)

2 thoughts on “手撕雞粥(附食譜)

  1. Southerngal

    I can almost smell it!!! 🙂 I will cook this one for my hubby and son, except my hubby always think congee is not for MAN (One of his Chinese buddies taught him that) :-p hahaha… This looks delicious!
    [版主回覆04/19/2012 01:23:18]This congree is not soupy at all, my hubby like it thinker too. If they MAN will not eat soup and congree, I will happily eat their share, haha.
    [Southerngal回覆04/17/2012 21:51:38]hahaa, that was my friend from China, he told my hubby congee and soup (for example green bean soup) are for girls! Manly man in China eat rice and my hubby still remembers it :-p I love congee, and I think my hubby likes congee if it's thicker not soupy 🙂
    [版主回覆04/17/2012 12:40:46]Let me know how you guys like it. I never heard of that comment before "congee is not for MAN" ? I think congee is for everyone. I love almost any kind of congee, it's just so yummy.

  2. 博師奶Mrs.blog

    [版主回覆04/19/2012 01:22:03]這個雞粥真係好好味。:)


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