懷孕日記 - 首三個月的經歷


2015年,本來是媽媽打算全力投入網店和博客生涯的新開始,畢竟雅虎網誌關閉後,就懶了下來。媽媽的起心肝,打倒隱藏在身心中多年的懶蟲和克服害怕失敗的憂慮,終於開了網店和自己的網頁,創作的一團火在熊熊燃燒的時候,突然發現家庭將有新成員加入,又驚又喜。結果,還未打理好新網站,就被懷孕荷爾蒙狠狠地擊倒,頭暈、作嘔、作悶、食慾不振和體力不支等等。 Continue reading


2015年1月10日 (星期六)
老爺奶奶帶我們去試一間快餐店,因為有大大杯Frozen Custard, 讓大家可以在同一地方吃甜品.薯條不錯,三文治一般,甜品的朱古力也不夠,有點失望.不過,估不到最失望的還不是食物,而是不負責任的人.





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Crochet Dress – dress it up or summer cover-up?


This is such a beautiful crochet dress, the first time I saw the picture online, I know I have to make one. I doubled up size 10 cotton thread for this beauty, it was such a labor intensive project, my hands were actually hurt for the repetitive motions after a few days. So, I ended up switching off to other projects back and forth, at some point I got too distracted, took me almost a year to finish it. It happens to me a lot, a project got finished in a few hours, a few days or it will be over a year. I hope I am not alone.

If some length and a few layers of ruffles were added, with a low cut at the back, it would be a nice wedding dress, so gorgeous. I can totally imagine a glowing bride wearing her loose wavy hair down, with some fresh flowers pin on one side right above her ear, put on simple and natural looking make up in a blooming courtyard or in a sandy beach with sunshine. How dreamy a wedding it will be?
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Mexican Chicken Tostada Recipe

I  didn’t cook for a long while since last summer. We took the girls for our first family vocation at Disney World and accustomed to the eating out routine. Apparently, not only my bank account have burned out, so do all the creative cooking urge inside me. I am glad to say the cooking sense is coming back slowly because I am tired of the same few good restaurants around town.

First recipe in 2015 and after this long cooking break – Mexican Chicken Tostada Recipe. Our family just love Mexican food so much. I can’t help it, there are only two things to cook, the rest is the usual stack and assemble, even my little girls can make it.1-DSC_0026 Continue reading

4 Ways To Wear Chunky Reversible Knitted Hat (Unisex)

It was such a cold week in Texas, I couldn’t help myself but kept knitting and crocheting all sort of things. I love Winter but couldn’t help the physical needs to keep my body warm, my passion for yarns and fiber arts seem like a perfect match to my favorite season this time of year. For these cold days, I went straight to the chunky wool blend yarn with this rustic, earthy colorway to make my very first design knitted hat. This hat is stretchy and loose-fitting, comfortably fits me and my hubby (easy fits 22-26 inches head circumstance).

There wasn’t really a right side or wrong side of this chunky hat since it is reversible, I knitted with the star shape top facing, so let called it the unofficial right side.

Ways to wear the chunky knitted hat (click here for pattern):

1. Wear it with the ribs folded up, star shape (unofficial right side) on top. It would be super cute if wear with a long wool coat and loop a long scarf around the neck once. Oh, I am imagining the cute look.

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7 Ways To Wear Arm Knitted Scarf


It is always enjoyable to knit with chunky or bulky yarn, the thicker the yarn, the faster the project get done. I thought of using my fingers and arm to knit years ago after I got new yarns and didn’t have any needles with me. However, I bought mostly worsted weight or sport weight yarn back then, fingers or arm would do me no good.

How to get this look is super easy, read on. If you want to purchase this scarf, click here.1-DSC_0102

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Knit Lace Shawl (Caplet)


I love the look of a nice lace shawl but never knit one all these years. Oh, I missed out a lot. I guess there just wasn’t any occasion to wear a beautiful shawl in my life yet. Until last month, my mother-in-law found this gorgeous pattern on Vogue Knitting and asked me to make it for her, she even let me pick out any yarn to make it. Continue reading





與太老爺相處的時間不多,但第一次見面,他待我如親孫女一樣,有如我已離世多年的親外公一樣的愛錫我,所以我很尊敬和愛惜他.他的離去,有如再次失去外公一樣的心痛.願他在天家得享安息. Continue reading