Category Archives: Little Panda Mommy’s Family 生活點滴

自製動力沙 DIY Kinetic Sand Recipe

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材料 Materials:

幼沙 (Play Sand) – 5杯 (5 cups)

水 (Water) – 1杯 (1 cup)

洗潔精 (Liquid Dish Soap) – 2茶匙 (2 teaspoons)

粟粉 (Corn Strach) – 1.5 – 2杯(1.5- 2 cups)

膠桶 (Plastic bucket) – 1個 (1 bucket)

量杯 (Measuring Cups) – 1個 (1)

茶匙 (Teaspoon) – 1隻 (1 spoon)

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小公主們則非常興奮,每天上校巴前,都會先對著媽媽肚子說:「寶寶再見,姐姐很愛你啊!」然後才向媽媽揮手道別,快樂地上校巴去。二公主最愛摸媽媽肚子,尤其當寶寶在肚內郁動,她會用手輕輕按下去,像是隔著肚皮「High Five」一樣。大公主則非常期待可以做小媽媽,自告奮勇會做夜間小看護,若寶寶哭叫會立即前往查看,有需要就來找媽媽幫忙,讓我半夜不用跑來跑去,休息多一點。(多貼心的小人兒,這份心意讓媽媽聽著也覺得安慰。)









2015年1月10日 (星期六)
老爺奶奶帶我們去試一間快餐店,因為有大大杯Frozen Custard, 讓大家可以在同一地方吃甜品.薯條不錯,三文治一般,甜品的朱古力也不夠,有點失望.不過,估不到最失望的還不是食物,而是不負責任的人.





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與太老爺相處的時間不多,但第一次見面,他待我如親孫女一樣,有如我已離世多年的親外公一樣的愛錫我,所以我很尊敬和愛惜他.他的離去,有如再次失去外公一樣的心痛.願他在天家得享安息. Continue reading

Just some pre-birthday thoughts

A few more days, it will be my birthday and it will be a special one. Not like there will be any crazy celebration or anything, I just really happy to be where I am right now. I feel contained and full of creative energy, eager to learn and dip my toes in different aspects.

I have a happy family, a wonderful and supportive husband, two beautiful and loving daughters, two loyal dogs, living in a comfortable home. All these happened in a very short period of time, way shorter than I could imagine. I never thought I could achieve this much at this early age, this is truly a gift from God, I am so grateful and couldn’t be more lucky.

In the last few months, a lot of good and bad things had happened and affected me and my family. Many happy and important first time events and sadly a last lifetime event for a beloved one.

With all these life events go on, I learned to cherish family and friends at a whole new level, work harder than forever in a very long time. I saw a light in me that hadn’t been burning started a little spark, it has been flickering and growing stronger.

Since motherhood, I have learned so much and the girls inspired me everyday. The ways they see the world and the trust and confidence they have in me, gave me the courage to start a new chapter in my life and overcame the fear which was the greatest weakness within my own mind.

Being a mother, I feel like nothing in this world could be more challenging and nerve wrecking. When they were infants, it was their lives and well beings all in your hands. As they grew, it is a whole new level of mental, physical, academical, emotional challenges. Some lucky days they are angels and sweet hearts, however, the majority of days feel more like fighting with at least one little handful. At the same time, moms have to control their own emotions and make sure everyone are sane and things are under control inside their households.

I used to be multitasking in all my old jobs, none of them quite measured up to this one. I love this no paid but somehow the best job in the world. There is nothing more fulfilling than watching your children grow and change everyday. I learn more about myself, my spouse through them in a daily basis. They taught me so many things in such a short time that I am amazed with the super mom power hidden in every woman.

I’m just too happy and glad to have you, my loyal readers and friends to be here to share my little crazy thoughts of the night before my birthday. I hope to update more often in the future, share more recipes, crafts and everyday life in this little corner of mine.

Wish you all a happy holiday. Stay warm and remember to tell your loved one how much you love them in a daily basis.

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嘉嘉上幼稚園的第一天 (2014年8月25日,星期一)

photo (5)

轉眼5年就過去了,媽媽沒有讓小公主們上學前班,好讓她們可以盡情享受無憂無慮的童年.畢竟自己飽受填鴨教育之苦多年,明白讀書之路實在很漫長, 人生在世,真正無憂無慮的時間實在有限,那可貴的童年實在不應該浪費在”植入”知識上,反正入學後也能學懂的,就讓她們上學校才學習. Continue reading

2014 迪士尼世界假期 (第一日) Walt Disney World Vocation 7/19-7/26 (Day 1)



第一次搭飛機,她們都算好乖,沒有大叫大笑,坐定定2個多小時.來回兩程都被附近的乘客讚她們乖巧,媽媽為她們感到好驕傲.001-20140719_071838 - Copy Continue reading