Category Archives: How-to blog 教學網誌

自製動力沙 DIY Kinetic Sand Recipe

[文章內容含有商品連結,讀者若透過連結購買商品,本網站可能會獲得小量報酬 (透過連結購物不會影響產品價格,有關報酬將補助網站運作成本,豐富網站未來的內容。感謝您的支持,祝瀏覽愉快。
This article contains affiliated links, we may receive a small commission if you purchase products through them (it costs the same while the commission will support us to run the website and develop future contents. Thank you for your support and happy browsing.]

材料 Materials:

幼沙 (Play Sand) – 5杯 (5 cups)

水 (Water) – 1杯 (1 cup)

洗潔精 (Liquid Dish Soap) – 2茶匙 (2 teaspoons)

粟粉 (Corn Strach) – 1.5 – 2杯(1.5- 2 cups)

膠桶 (Plastic bucket) – 1個 (1 bucket)

量杯 (Measuring Cups) – 1個 (1)

茶匙 (Teaspoon) – 1隻 (1 spoon)

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在WordPress訂閱和留言教學 How to subscribe and comment on WordPress

Everyone is learning how to follow (subscribe) new blogs and leave a message in different blog platforms (who migrated from Yahoo blog). I just received a message from a reader pointed out she couldn't follow my new blog or leave a message. Therefore, I write this how-to blog with pictures and text instructions, hope to ease the pain of learning, using and reading in WordPress platform.


Picture 1 圖一

Firstly, I will explain how to leave a message or follow a blog for Non-WordPress users. You do not need to open an account to comment or follow a blog. At the bottom of each blog, there is a box for readers to leave a message (as picture 1), click on it and type your comment. On the other hand, click on the bottom right corner "+Follow" button, enter your email address and you are following my blog. (as picture 2)


Picture 2  圖二Image

After you type the message, enter your email address (don't worry, it won't make public) and name (leave your Yahoo nickname, so I can recognize you), then press the "post comment" button and done. Also, you can choose to use your social account to leave a message, just click on WordPress, Twitter or Facebook icon after you typed the comment.

在留言後,大家只需填上電郵地址(放心,不會公開的)和名字(最好用Yahoo別名,媽媽才會認得大家),就可以按"發送"按鈕.另外,你亦可以選用WordPress, Twitter或Facebook戶口留言.寫好留言後,按下社交戶口的標誌,即可發送留言.

Picture 3  圖三Image

For new WordPress users, there is a "+Follow" button on the 2nd column of the top black bar, click it and you are following your favorite blog immediately. Or you can click on the right side-bar (only on this blog) "Follow Little Panda Mommy Blog" button which located under my picture, done. (Click now so you won't miss out on my future blogs, thank you for your subscription.) Non-WordPress users also can use the later method to follow this blog, just put in your email after clicking the button.

新WordPress用戶們,只要在頁面上方左二的黑色欄位,按下"+Follow"就完成訂閱喜歡網誌的程序.你亦可以在網誌右邊欄位(只適用於此網誌),按下位於媽媽相片下面的"Follow Little Panda Mommy Blog"按鈕,即完成訂閱.(大家快快按鈕訂閱,不要錯過媽媽日後的網誌更新,謝謝你的訂閱啊!)非WordPress用戶亦可用第二種介紹方法訂閱此網誌,只需在按鈕後,填入電郵地址即可.




如何使用WordPress寫網誌教學 How to write a blog in WordPress

It is not easy to write a how-to blog, especially I am not very good at graphic stuff and WordPress is new to me too. All the pictures are captured using print screen and edited in Paint, super low-tech, haha. I tried my best to use the diagrams to show all the things you need for a start-up, let’s me know if I miss something or you have any questions, we can investigate together.


To start blogging on WordPress, you have to create an account, fill out everything required and you are good to go.
在Wordpress開新網誌,先要開設賬戶,只需按指示填寫所有資料即成. create account

Sign in and you will enter the main page, blogs you follow will be on the left-hand column. Click “new post” to start writing.
登入後,你將會進入主頁,左邊欄位會顯示你關注的網誌更新.按”寫新網誌”開始寫文章.blog I follow page

Click “new post” into this page, pick one of the categories you like to post.
按”寫新網誌”進入以下頁面,選取其中一項網誌種類開始寫作.new post category

Type title and post as shown, insert photo with the icon on top right corner. “Tag” in the green area, separate tags with comma (,) and “publish post” by clicking the bottom right button. If you want to “preview” before publishing, click the button next to it. “Save draft” and “Cancel Post” icons located on the left bottom corner.

如圖示,輸入標題和文章內容;按右上角的按鈕插入相片.在綠色位置”標籤”,以逗號(,)分隔每個標籤,然後按右下角的按鈕”發表文章”.若你想先”預覽”,後發表,按旁邊的”預覽鍵”.頁面左下角,置有”儲存草稿”和”取消文章”的按鈕.Write post

You can click “my blog” after you sign in to enter the following page, click on the function you want to proceed.
你亦可在登入後,選取”我的網誌”進入以下版面.按圖選取想執行的項目.My blog

Click “Blog Admin” , “Change Appearance” or the post number as shown above, enter the dashboard. Now, you can control everything about the blog in here.
按 “網誌控制台”, “更改外觀”或網誌數量(如上圖)進入控制台版面,你可以在此控制網誌的所有活動.

Click “Post” on left-side bar to enter the following page. Press “Add news” button on top or on the left-side bar to write a post in traditional setting.
選取左邊欄位的”文章”進入以下版面.”新增”按鈕”位於頁頂或在左邊欄位,按鍵後可以開始在傳統頁面寫作文章.dashboard to write post

You can tag, assign categories and fine tune all the little settings about the post in traditional post interface.

Photo insert is easy, just click “insert media” as above. Then, pick “upload files” on top and clicking “select files” to add pictures.
插入相片超容易,只需如上圖按下”插入媒體”,再選擇頁頂的”上載檔案”,然後按”選擇檔案”插入相片.add<br />

Pick the files, then click “open”.
選取所需檔案,再按”開啓”.select pictures

Finish the post, then click “publish post” and done.
寫好文章後,按”發表文章”即可.test post



How to write a blog in WordPress 如何使用WordPress寫網誌教學

It is not easy to write a how-to blog, especially I am not very good at graphic stuff and WordPress is new to me too. All the pictures are captured using print screen and edited in Paint, super low-tech, haha. I tried my best to use the diagrams to show all the things you need for a start-up, let’s me know if I miss something or you have any questions, we can investigate together.

不太懂繪圖又是Wordpress新手的媽媽,好不容易終於寫了這篇教學網誌.所有圖片都是在電腦撮取畫面後,用小畫家完成的,很低科技,哈哈.媽媽盡量以圖表展示新開網誌的須知,若有任何遺漏或你有任何疑問,歡迎留言,大家可以一起研究. Continue reading