蜆殼粉(煮熟) 5碗
辣味意式肉腸(切粒) 3條
洋葱(切粒) 1個
歐芹(摘葉) 1杯
初榨橄欖油 1湯匙
1. 在LC 24cm圓鍋中,以中火燒熱橄欖油,加入洋葱炒至半透明.

2. 加入意式肉腸,炒至辣汁開始滲出.

super simple but delicious. my daughter said she can cook this for me too.
[版主回覆05/04/2013 05:59:47]Your daughter is so sweet. I bet the spicy sausage is going to taste like one of the sweetest things in the world. 🙂
[版主回覆05/07/2013 11:35:55]真係好易做呀!
小朋友時媽媽成日整蜆殼粉比我食架, 我捻我都有十幾年冇食過喇, 好懷念 !!
[版主回覆05/10/2013 00:14:53]美國只有普通的黄色,無唔同顏色架.
[慧云嘉申嘉回覆05/07/2013 12:35:56]在HK 買可以有唔同顏色既蜆殼粉, 在USA 系咪都有好多唔同選擇??
[版主回覆05/07/2013 11:36:47]咁你快D整,唔駛再懷念,可以即食.
I agree with you – 不可能每天都只翻熱隔夜菜! I also make a big dinner to reserve some for his and my lunch for the next day but I never want to have the same dish for more than two days! Tell you a "secret", my in-laws cook only once a week. I don't know how they can do that!!!
[版主回覆05/14/2013 10:49:58]Once a week?? Are they going out to eat every day then?