Tag Archives: homemade pink kettle popcorn

Homemade Pink Kettle Popcorn Recipe

It was Alexis big day yesterday. She is now 4.5 years old and passed the evaluation to move up to the next level in gymnastics school, which means her hard work and all those practices at home (she did it all by herself with anyone asked her to, what a self-motivated little one) had paid off. She was so proud of herself and so did mommy. She improved a lot within the last 2 weeks, even I was impressed. To celebrate her little milestone and show my support for her hard-working, I arranged a movie date with the girls (we watched Rapunzel), served them these girly and pretty pink kettle popcorn for snacks. Everyone had a good time and they said it was the best day ever.

Homemade Pink Kettle Popcorn Recipe
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媽媽恭喜她後,與妹妹一起給她一個大大的擁抱和親吻,讚她做得非常好,並告訴她一直努力練習,技巧進步了很多,媽媽因她下苦功後成功升班引以為傲呢!她點點頭說自己很努力練習,所以做得很好,以後會更用心學習,又因為媽媽為她自豪而感到很開心. Continue reading