Red is a happy color for Chinese, we use it in wedding, Chinese New Year and all kinds of celebrations. This drink is perfect for new year because of the beautiful red color and the sweet cherry taste. Everyone need something sweet to have a good start in a new year, right? I gave this pretty glass of drink a cheerful name – Cheery Up, hope to cheer up everyone. It is so simple, the kids will love to help and enjoy it.
Cherry Up Recipe:
7 UP (Chilled) 1 cup
Topping Cherry 1 can
Key Lime/ Lime 1 whole
Colored Sugar a little (decoration only)
1. Halved and seeded the lime, rub it on the edge of glass. Turn the glass upside down on the sugar plate for edge coating.

1. Halved and seeded the lime, rub it on the edge of glass. Turn the glass upside down on the sugar plate for edge coating.

2. Add 1 cherry and 5 teapoons cherry juice.
3. Squeeze the lime juice into the glass.
4. Add 7 Up, stir and serve.

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