Spinach and Pork Small Shell Recipe (Hot or Cold, Serve 6-8)

Onion 1 small
Garlic 5 cloves
Pork/ Italian Spicy Sausage 1 pound
Salt 4 teaspoons
Ground Black Pepper 1.5 teaspoons
Small Shell Pasta 1 pound
Frozen Spinach 1 pound
Tomatoes (diced) 2 (medium)
Water 12 cups (4 quarts)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil 3 tablespoons
Parmesan Cheese To taste
Steps for Hot Serve:
1. In a food processor, ground thick sliced onion, peeled garlic cloves, sliced pork and 1 teaspoon of salt altogether.

6. Drain the pasta and stir it with 2 tablespoons oil (prevent sticking). Pour the spinach and pork on top of the pasta, sprinkle some Parmesan cheese and serve.

Steps for Cold Serve:
1. Follow the same recipe for hot serve.
2. Cook the spinach and pork in advance. Cool it and refrigerate it for at least 2 hours or overnight.
3. Small shell pasta can be prepared in advance, cool it and refrigerate it for at least 2 hours. Or cook the pasta right before serving, put in an ice bath, drain and serve.
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[版主回覆08/14/2012 12:49:47]係呀,健康又好味.
[版主回覆08/15/2012 10:51:57]基本上所有意大利粉都一樣味道,只係形狀大小不同.
我囡囡亦有敏感及出濕疹毛病, 好長手尾!!! 要快好返當然係服西藥, 好返後試清楚可能重有其它嘢令佢出疹, 一般出疹在食完或接解敏感原; 好快見到唔會等咁耐? 可能晴晴特别唔同反應~~祝: 晴晴 早日康復
[版主回覆08/15/2012 10:55:13]晴晴已經無事啦,她是很奇怪的,每次都是第3天才出濕疹.家姐就一食鼓油出風難,不需半小時就開始全身出疹.嘉嘉現在有的不是風難,卻在雙腿長出紅紅的濕疹,已經搽了幾天類固醇.看來真的要日噴夜噴泉水,又每天沖花露水浴,希望有幫助.